Malta and Gambling

The house always wins.

Malta has a rather contradictory attitude to gambling.  Perhaps that’s appropriate, as this is a contrary sort of a country in many ways:  the last country in Europe to legalize divorce, but which allows prostitutes to go about their business (in certain areas) without much police interference.  A conservative, Catholic nation which turns a blind eye to the strip clubs and all night parties in Paceville.

In the same vein, Malta is home to four large casinos which attract a large number of clientele willing to splash the cash.  But while an 18 year old non-national is free to come in a burn all his euros on the slot machines and roulette tables, a Maltese person must be over 25 to gain admittance.  Malta has reinvented itself as one of Europe’s premium internet gaming locations, but these website businesses are discouraged from accepting Maltese customers by certain governmental tax disincentives.

Instead the Maltese people must go to their local ‘lottery agent’ to play Super 5 or some other national lottery equivalent, which actually offers worse odds than most of the online organisations they are unable to enlist with.  Keeps the money in the local economy I guess, so there’s certainly a rationale behind it, but it’s a funny kind of a set-up all the same.

So if you fancy a few hands of blackjack or risking it all on the spin of the roulette wheel, bring your foreign ID with you…

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3 thoughts on “Malta and Gambling

  1. It’s crazy that Malta is such a premium country for online gambling when the two internet providers on Malta are pure shite. Worst customer service and the connections are over priced and not stable at all.

    GO is a nightmare and they still operate through ADSL.

  2. “which actually offers worse odds than most of the online organisations they are unable to enlist with.”
    Man, that is sad. They’re taking the fun out of gambling! 🙁
    Thanks for the post.
    Liv Boeree

  3. it can be cold in april. I would say you would get a tan either. Not relaly as it doesnt start to warm up until May time. Malta has changed a great deal over the years. I feel that the goverment has let Malta down big time. Its becoming inundated with immigrates and youre able to see how much a of a problem its becoming for the people who live there. As tourists you will be fine, just dont stay at the Ruben court hotel its a 2* and relaly bad. Bugibba Holiday Complex is quite nice and the white dolphin hotel also nice places. Paradise Bay and the Golden Bay are nice places for 50yr olds and its sandy b each at Golden Bay. Man made but still sandy!Have a nice time. I go over in August when its relaly hot!

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