Home of the famous Mosta Rotunda, the impressive church with the fourth largest unsupported dome in the World, or something like that. (Third largest, I just googled it).
So you should probably visit, as you can take some good photographs and it’s a nice looking building. There’s also a replica of a WW2 bomb in the vestry.

Mosta itself though? I probably wouldn’t bother – hence the title of this piece. It’s a pretty uninspiring town, just the usual shops, no particularly enticing bars or restaurants that I noticed. I’m sure it’s a perfectly nice place to live, but I could not find any compelling reason for a touristic visit.

I’ve been to the town on many occasions at this stage, so can certainly call myself at least ‘Very Familiar’ with Mosta. So what exactly did I do in Mosta?
– I had a haircut! A popular, proper barbershop it is too, called Manuels and quite near the church. Seems to be full all the time so it’s obviously got a good rep with the locals.
– I went to a health store! Shanti has a selection of the usual twice-as-expensive-as-unhealthy-products you expect to find in such establishments.
– I visited the Rotunda! Sorry, already mentioned that. I visited twice actually, though it’s totally not worth a second visit.
– I ate an English breakfast! No surprise there then. It was fine.
– I went shopping for clothes! There are a few shops, but nothing to go out of your way for. In fact the best reason I can think of to go shopping for clothes in Mosta is if you have had some sort of clothes related emergency while you were already in Mosta.
– I went to a Festa! Now that was good, one of the better village festas I’ve been to, the place was lit up like a Christmas tree.
– I went to the public clinic! Had to get some x-rays after banging my elbow pretty badly. Not a great experience, although it’s a free service if you’ve got an ID card and getting x-rays at a private clinic are pretty expensive.
– I had a beer! Which was more fun than waiting for the x-ray.
All images from Flickr creative commons – M. Peinado