My name is David, originally from Ireland, and with the help of Daniela we have created the howtomalta site as a first-hand guide for visitors to Malta.
I’ve tried to include all the information that would have helped us when we first arrived on the island, so I hope you find a few useful bits and pieces inside. Plus we’ve got information about lots of tourist destinations and reviews of bars, can you buy klonopin online beaches, breakfasts and all kinds of good stuff.
Lots of people contact us with questions, and if you prefer not to leave a comment then feel free to email us at We do our best to answer every mail we get.
Likewise for any potential advertisers, guest posters or anyone who’d like us to write about their product, attraction or business, then it’s for you too.

I love your website. I’m an American and an air traffic controller. The Federal Aviation Administration as determined that we are too old and decrepit to work past 56 so in 4 1/2 years I will be out on my ass. The good thing is that I have an excellent pension and will be, by no means, poor. I am currently researching relocating to a country where my money will go farther and that primarily speaks English (my 2nd language is German and I know of no German speaking place that is cheap!). Malta so far is #1 on my list. I am trying to figure out if I can relocate there without having to buy a $400k house or spend $12k/yr in rent (some “retirement program I read about). Most expats sites and requirement lists specify EU/EEA, etc residents. Any idea if a middle class retired American can actually permanently relocate/move to Malta? Any help will be appreciated. If all goes my way, I’ll look you up and buy you a pint! Any help would greatly be appreciated! Jerry W. Wilson II
Hello Jerry – well I have done a little digging, but not enough to give an authoritative view on the subject, and I wouldn’t want to lead you down the wrong path. This site gives as much information as any I could find, so you’ve probably already come across it yourself:
Otherwise I’m afraid it seems like a case where some type of lawyer will have to get involved, so maybe communicating with an immigration lawyer here in Malta is the best next step. Sorry not to be able to offer anything more constructive than that.
Hi, I wanted to send you an e-mail but I couldn’t because of the address. It says it’s not correct. I don’t know what happens. I need to ask you one thing and I don’t want to write it here. Thanks a lot, Regards,
I just checked and is definitely working – I got a few emails just this morning.
This is an awesome website. I sent an email please can you have a look at it. Thand you appreciate it.
Hi, My new venue Scavenger Escape would love to be featured on your website. Is there any way this would be possible ?