Nice location here, where you can sit outside and have your breakfast looking out over George’s Bay. And here is the breakfast you will be served:
Author: David
The ticket seller gave an audibly fed up sigh when I handed him a €20 to pay for my €6 ticket to the museum. “You don’t have six euros?” Sometimes, shopping in Malta with anything larger than a fiver you…
Paceville is where people go to have a good time. Generally the people in question are teenagers or in their early twenties, mostly (but certainly not all) foreigners. The party district itself is pretty small: from a small open square…
Short answer? Just under one and a half million per year. July 2012 was one of the busiest months on record, about 175,000 people making it over to the island. Which is a lot, when you consider the island’s population…
This picturesque little park is located on the West of Valletta, overlooking Floriana. You get there by turning left once you are inside the city walls – it’s not hard to find and provides some nice views over the neighbouring…
Given the rivalry between the cities in Ireland, the Cork Bar should be the natural enemy of The Dubliner. And in the contest between them, there can be only one winner. (It’s not Cork). This bar is on the small side,…