It is always difficult to discover exactly how much people pay or get paid in wages. Potentially embarrassing dinner party conversation, don’t you know. But I have done some digging around on the internet to try to come up with…
Author: David
It is not unreasonable to describe St Paul’s Grotto in Rabat as Malta’s most sacred location – at least if you are of the Christian persuasion. Certainly this humble cave is held in such esteem in the Christian world at…
Aah, Venice, city of dreamlike wonder, Queen of the Adriatic Sea. What a joy it is to… no hang on, wait a minute, it’s just rained for more than 25 minutes in Malta so the streets are knackered again. Oh…
Embed from Getty Images Good News working folk! Malta proudly boasts more public holidays than any other country in the EU. Just so you don’t lose track, here’s a handy list (note that if a holiday falls on a Saturday…
The Chinese Garden of Serenity is a tranquil haven in which you can contemplate life, the universe and everything as you walk past bubbling fountains and ornate buildings. Every account of this place features the word ‘tranquil’ somewhere, so I…
You remember the Secret Bookshop don’t you? No? Well it’s this one. Now go back and read everything I wrote between December 2011 and February 2012 as punishment.