Best Full English Breakfast in Malta?: Knickerbocker Cafe, Qawra

Let’s start with a positive, because there is altogether too much negativity on the internet these days.

On a sunny day in Malta, it is quite pleasant to be able to sit outside and have your meal, and you can do that here.  Albeit on a rather scruffy patch of land within hailing distance of the bus terminal in Qawra.  So that’s good.

However if you come here with a hunger for a delicious English breakfast, then keep walking friend.

knickerbocker cafe malta

Take a look at the picture above, and tell me what you see there that doesn’t look great.

The sausages?  Fair point, definitely not great.

And the bacon was not the finest cut of meat either.

But what strikes me is that abomination of a tomato, which has clearly been slopped out of a can, warmed up a bit, and then served to me.  In the cut-throat Maltese fried breakfast market, €5.50 for that plate just isn’t good value, especially with tea or coffee costing extra.

Daniela went for the vegetarian option, described as a “Turkish breakfast” on the menu.

turkish breakfast in malta

I will leave our Turkish readers to decide whether or not this is a reasonable approximation of what you’d expect to receive on your breakfast plate in Istanbul, as I’ve not made it to that city yet.  (It’s high on the list though).

Anyway as you can see it’s a plate consisting of feta cheese, olives, eggs, tomatoes and cucumber – apparently it was quite nice.

So while the Turkish breakfast was okay, the English version here just doesn’t make the grade.


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