Best Full English Breakfast in Malta?: Wild West Bar/Restaurant

Or to give it it’s full title:  ‘Wild West Bar, Restaurant, Pizzeria & Takeaway’

Yee-haw.As the name and accompanying pictures may suggest, the Wild West’s main problem is not the food, it is the marketing end of things that rather lets the place down.  But more of that later – what about the breakfast?  “Better than expected” would be my assessment.  Pretty nice – particularly the bacon/rashers, which were of the traditional variety – although garlic butter with the bread maybe a step too far.  But yes, generally speaking not bad and well priced for the Paceville area at just €3.75 including coffee or tea.

However, as previously mentioned, the issue here is not so much with the food.  I pass by this place quite a lot, and it doesn’t get too busy.  The location doesn’t help, as it is just outside the radius of the Paceville hub. But I suspect that the lack of trade is principally due to this baffling Wild West theme, which has nothing to do with anything (certainly not the food), and just looks very odd.  Apparently they put on a ‘wild west show’ on Thursdays, which is quite a notion.  This is not a large venue, so they’re not gonna be wrestling steers in there – even a band would virtually have to sit at your table to find some elbow room.  Though since I did not go there on a Thursday, your guess is as good as mine.

The food on offer is a mix of Maltese, pizzas and seafood which again does not suggest a coherent theme.  Even if this place sold the best food on the island, people would take one look at the outside and keep on walking.  On one of the many signs hurting peoples eyes as they walk past is a sandwich board saying that ‘Mario and family’ welcome you to the Wild West Bar, Restaur…(etc).  I am guessing that Mario is of Italian extraction, so here is a suggestion:  get the decorators in, take down all the signs, get rid of those tatty & grubby looking plastic table covers outside, paint the place something neutral and call it ‘Mario’s’.  Sell Italian food!  Maybe pizza slices and focaccias for all the students from the language school over the road.

It’s just an idea.

But hey, maybe my idea is a little bit dull and safe.  It’s good to be different after all – stand out from the crowd – so why not celebrate one of the quirkier restaurants to be found on the island?  It’s just up the hill from George’s Bay, on the same street as the Intercontinental Hotel.  And if you make it along on a Thursday night, be sure to let us know how the Wild West show turned out…


Sad to report, the Wild West is no more.  It has been replaced by a Sushi Bar instead.  Well, you had your chance people, if you didn’t go then it’s your fault it ain’t there any more.

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