Best Full English in Malta?: Cafe Royale (Valletta)

Cafe Royale is just about the first place you come to when you go through the impressive main gates of Valletta.  Past the new parliament buildings and there it is on the left.  Next to Burger King, another proud symbol of this ancient city.

A prime location like this can lead to a lowering of standards and a raising of prices in some instances.  Here the standards are pretty good, but the price of an English breakfast is about 50 cents more than you’d see by walking another  50 metres down Republic street.

English breakfast at Cafe Royale

So it is a respectable breakfast, but not a whole lot more.  All the standard ingredients are present and correct… it’s a 6 or 7 out of 10 kind of a breakfast.  Which – if you’ve never tried – is quite difficult to write about with any enthusiasm one way or the other.

So not worth going out of your way for, but luckily for them you don’t have to.


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