Best Full English in Malta?: La Piazza, Rabat


Sometimes it only takes a couple of forkfuls to realise that you have got a really top quality English breakfast in front of you.

On the other hand, it also takes about the same period of time to start fearing that what you are eating may result in your meeting an untimely demise later in the day.

While neither outcome proved true in the case of La Piazza, I certainly felt a queasy sensation of unease as I prodded at the dish which was set before me.

Three Sausages!! Trumpeted the menu proudly, and as English breakfasts were tricky to locate in Rabat we decided to take a seat outside this busy cafe.  The plate was slow enough in arriving, and when it did it was immediately apparent that something was amiss.

Had I access to such facilities, I would most definitely have smuggled one of these sausages to a lab for testing, as they resembled no sausage I have ever eaten in my life.  Apart from tasting – (and I will speak frankly here reader) – disgusting, the texture had a strange pre-chewed consistency to it.  One bite was enough for me to pass on the rest.

The rest of what was on offer was not much better, neither of us could get through more than half of the plate.  And just to clarify:  this is unusual.

Five euros fifty is poor value for what you get here (without tea or coffee) and really they shouldn’t be offering this standard of food under the guise of an English breakfast.

Consider this a public service announcement, and don’t order the full breakfast here.



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