Best Full English in Malta?: Surfside (revisited)

Some things have changed at Surfside.  What used to be the ‘Paul Gascoigne’ full English breakfast has now become the ‘Louis Van Gaal’.  I suppose this is because the young people of Spain, Germany, France and wherever else may not be familiar with Mr Gascoigne, which makes me feel even older than usual.  And I’m not sure what Mr Van Gaal’s connection with a fry up is supposed to be, except for the fact that he is a somewhat generously proportioned man around the midriff.

Anyway, the good news is that the new incarnation of the Full English is just as good as the old one.
Possibly better.  Surfside have recognised the secret of a good English breakfast, which after trying many of them I am happy to share with you here:  Do everything to a competent level, and use top quality sausages.  Simple as that.   The sausages at Surfside are very good indeed, and everything else was just fine and dandy.  It costs about €6.50, which is top-end for Malta, but I reckon it’s worth it.  Surfside is not for those expecting the fine dining experience, but is a cheerful beachside restaurant with food which is a lot better than I’ve experienced in similar types of establishment around the world.

Gascoigne out…
…van Gaal in!

If you are a fan of the Full English, you will most certainly not be disappointed here.

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