Best Full English in Malta? – Surfside (Sliema)

Heavyweight contender here.

This is called a ‘Paul Gascoigne’, and the chunky Geordie legend would doubtless by proud to lend his name to an early morning feast like this one.  (I can see a young Gazza getting stuck-in to one of these, sticking chips up his nose and so on… great character). The price is a little bulky too at €6.90, but for me it’s worth the extra and gets a definite thumbs up.

There is still room for improvement though, so no resting on laurels is to be done at Surfside.  For example, I have yet to find a fry-up here which contains some of the crucial ingredients one might expect of a meal bearing the prefix ‘Full’.  I understand that black pudding is not to everyone’s taste, and that white pudding suffers from a criminal lack of appreciation outside Ireland & various Northern parts.  And hash browns don’t really say ‘English/Irish’ breakfast to me, bit American really.  But what about the Mushrooms!  Come on Maltese cafes, there are plenty of mushrooms lying about the place, go on, stick some of them on a plate beside your sausages and eggs – they taste good.

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2 thoughts on “Best Full English in Malta? – Surfside (Sliema)

  1. My boyfriend and I have been on a search for the best fry up since we arrived in June 2010- we’re yet to find something as good as the ones back home but I love these posts- its great to see which you’ve tried and your opinions on them!

  2. The search is still in the embryonic stage. Strangely enough it did not occur to me to go around photographing fry-ups until quite recently! I have tried some good ones I need to re-visit though.

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