Now don’t be alarmed by the photograph. What you are looking at is the Black Bull’s breakfast platter for two people. That’s TWO people, large gentleman who was sitting at the table across from us and demolishing one of these things by himself.
Anyway here it is. I’m not sure the photo does it justice, as it wasn’t as bad as it looks here, although not going to win any prizes for excellence either. Nice to see mushrooms on a plate, so kudos for that, and very nice they were too. In fact nothing else lived up to the lofty standards of the mushrooms, with the ham and cheese (of the indeterminate type with the scent of the factory production line about them) a particular disappointment.
I probably would give this a miss all things considered. Unless you are just really, really hungry and want to order something marginally less embarrassing than two separate English breakfasts at the same time.
Yes, the sausages look a bit anaemic and you can keep the mushrooms, tomatoes and beans. Other than that, quite like the concept – just about the right size for me, could do with one right now…….
They’ve tried to make it more aesthetically pleasing, granted, but it all looks a bit, well, mummified.
Quantity over quality here I’m afraid…
sadly i dont think it’s there anymore (or it may have had a name change)
I think they might be doing some refurbishments, though am open to correction. Maybe they will refurbish the breakfast menu too?