Blue Grotto

Not to be confused with the Blue Window in Gozo, the Blue Grotto is a series of caves carved out of the rocks by the sea on the west coast of the island.  You can take a bus to the Blue Grotto site in Zurrieq and get some impressive photos of the cliffs and seascape from above, but to really experience the caves you will need to take a boat tour.  The grotto is pretty impressive from within and the usual good photo opportunities are there to be taken.

However, in the interest of balance and since I don’t work for the Maltese Tourist Board*, the Blue Grotto generally gets a “meh” sort of a reaction from tourists.  Yes it’s nice, but not worth-going-massively-out-of-your-way-for-nice.  So do with that information what you will.

*Should anyone from the Maltese Tourist Board wish to offer me large sums of money (or just money, really) of course I will promptly delete the above and insert a glowing review of The Most Wonderful Underwater Cave System in the Known World.  You know how to get in touch.


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