Bugibba Summer Carnival

How to get more people out to Bugibba, mused the local council. And preferably get them to stay into the evening so all those restaurants and souvenir shops get a proper windfall.

Well what is more likely to attract hordes of pic-snapping tourists than a lively summer carnival featuring colourful floats and dancing?

Let’s throw in a gostra (running along a greased pole), some stalls selling unhealthy snacks and sweets, and you’ve got a sure-fire winner.

The mayor of St Paul’s Bay is not exactly hiding this financial aspect of the festivities, saying that: ‘the Council has increased the Carnival (parade) route so that more commercial zones will be reached’.

Still, it’s all a bit of fun so we won’t argue – here are a few snaps from previous incarnations of the Bugibba Summer Carnival…

bugibba summer parade

bugibba carnival

bugibba summer carnival


bugibba summer carnival clown

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5 thoughts on “Bugibba Summer Carnival

  1. Help! I hopped the 12 from Sliema to Bugibba, and about halfway there, just before the water park, there is a group of unfinished buildings, and, in what has to be the most random occurrence in the universe, one of the buildings has a giant logo of the Cleveland Indians painted on the side. I did a search, but found no info online. Do you know anything about it? Thanks –

    1. I know exactly what you are referring to, but have no idea as to the identity of the graffiti artist responsible. Presumably a baseball-loving Ohioan with some time on his hands.

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