No trip to Malta would be complete… et cetera and so on. And it is true. As you can see from the photo below, you really should put aside a day to take the ferry up to Comino. Better yet, take a boat trip from Sliema ferries and save yourself a lengthy bus trip followed by the non-rapid ferry crossing. Crystal clear waters and not too deep, good for snorkeling or you can go explore some of the caves and tunnels the sea has carved out of the rock in Cominetto (the tiny island on the other side of the lagoon).
In fact there’s only one problem with this little piece of paradise, and that is the presence of those pesky humans. During the summer, the place is chock full of people, as the second picture demonstrates. I was there in August and it was far from a deserted island. So when you arrive, you will need to find yourself a little unoccupied space up on the rocky hill above the water on which to lay your towel – ideally not in a throughway so people aren’t trampling all over your stuff as they negotiate the cliffs. You can get a burger or hot dog from one of the busy concession stands and settle in, meanwhile trying to figure out exactly you’re going to get down from here and into the water without breaking your neck or stepping on somebody’s head.

I would suggest that if you’re going during the summer months (and there’s precious little to do there during the winter) you should go early in the morning. But don’t be put off because it really is something special. And even with a couple of thousand tourists crawling around the place, you will still be glad you went.
Estou a planear uma viagem a Malta em Outubro. Como é o tempo por ai nessa altura? Dá para fazer praia em Outubro? A água do mar como está? E ferries para as outras ilhas está disponível nessa altura?
Desculpe tantas perguntas. Obrigada.
Somehow I missed these questions before – sorry about that Marta! However, I will answer them now in case anybody else finds the information useful:
1. How is the weather in October? – Well this year the temperature has been low/mid-twenties and sunny most afternoons, though with some gusty weather.
2. How is the water? – I mentioned elsewhere that my last swim was mid-October and the water was perfect then
3. Are ferries available in October? – Ferry trips are available all year round from Malta and Gozo
Desculpe pelo meu resposta tardia!