And plenty of beer. Don’t forget the beer. A pint of Cisk will cost you a reasonable €2.40, but you will probably want to splash out an extra €2 for your can you buy ativan online souvenir festival beer mug. As entrance to the event is free, it’s hard to quibble with these kind of prices.
It’s a really well organised event, with a surprising amount of young kids being wheeled and carried around the place on the night we attended. And for all my past complaining about the Arriva buses, we were informed that a bus to St Julian’s would arrive at 12 o’clock: it turned up exactly on time and had us home in less than half an hour for €2.50. Not something I expected to say, but: ‘Good Work Arriva!’
Definitely worth a visit if you’re lucky enough to be in Malta at the end of July/beginning of August. Cheers!