
high temperatures malta

It is Hot.

Almost every conversation starts with a variation of the above these days, you can’t help it.  Temperatures in Malta are in the mid to high thirties, but yesterday we were warned that in built up areas it would feel like 43ºC (that’s about 109ºF, American readers). 

Bear in mind that it’s tricky to find a part of Malta that could not be described as a ‘built up area’.

People are lolling, semi-conscious, in crowded buses where the air conditioner just can’t keep up with the temperatures inside.  Tourists wander the streets in states of undress which would probably lead to a policeman approaching them with a blanket and a stern warning if they were back at home.  The beaches are crowded, ice-cream and water are the most prized of commodities and any activities involving physical activity are shunned in favour of slumping near a fan with your mouth hanging open.

It’s hot!

*Image from

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