How to get a Haircut in Malta

Well this one depends on your hair, and how much thought you give to it.I’m a short-back-and-sides get-it-done sort of a chap, so bear that in mind when I recommend Franks shop in Sliema.  This is the conversation when I get my hair cut there
:Frank*: (nods greeting)
Me:       “Hello”. (sits on chair, no other customers yet)
Frank:   “Short?”
Me:       “Yeah, blade three back and sides, short on top”
Frank:    “…”
Me & Frank:  “…”

(10 minutes later)

Frank:  “How’s that?” (displays back of my head in mirror)
Me:  “That’s great.  Thanks.”

(I pay €8 and indicate satisfaction via nod and half-smile)
This is my kind of hair cutting transaction.  If you prefer something a little more touchy-feely and questions about your holiday, try somewhere else.

Find them at 99a, Triq il-Lunzjata, Sliema

*may not be Actual Frank, I didn’t get his name.

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3 thoughts on “How to get a Haircut in Malta

  1. Hi,
    I just went there. Finally, after third try of a new barber, there’s someone who has his hands growing from the right place :). Got a short haircut, blade two sides and back, top tapering up a little; nothing fancy, but perfect for me. Cheers.

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