How to get a Police Conduct certificate in Malta

You will need a police conduct certificate for a wide variety of jobs (including teaching or internet gaming), or if you want to apply for permanent residence in Malta.

police conduct certificate malta

Not difficult to get, so long as you don’t have a criminal past you have been trying to keep secret from your employer.  What you need to do is get yourself (with passport or Maltese ID card) down to the Police HQ in Floriana – you can take a bus to the Valletta and get off at the stop just before the Triton Fountain and bus terminus.  Cut through the small park and go straight down Triq V.Dimech for a couple of minutes – passing the football pitches on your right – and you’ll find the Police HQ on Pjazza San Kalcidonju on the left.  You need the small entrance marked Criminal Records Office.

Go to queue where the sign tells you, and sooner or later you’ll be face to face with one of Malta’s finest who will check the supercomputer for any past misdemeanours.  The last time I went there were about seven officers sitting around behind the glass partition, plus one toddler.  A female police officer was colouring in the child’s book, being careful not to go over the lines, as the child amused itself elsewhere.  This will probably not be happening when you go there.  Assuming you have a clean record, the officer will ask you for €2.50 and give you a stamped and signed certificate in return.  It’s very easy.

This is your police conduct certificate, which allows you to get that job you’ve been after.  Just make sure you behave yourself while you’re here.

 Anything else you should be getting organised to live in Malta?  Check out this page for the full checklist.

Police Conduct Certificate – Malta Police HQ:

Opening hours (winter): Mon – Fri: 07:30 – 12:30, 13:00 – 16:45, Sat: mornings only.

Opening hours (summer): Mon – Fri: 07:30 – 12:00, 12:20 – 15:30, Sat: mornings only.


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20 thoughts on “How to get a Police Conduct certificate in Malta

  1. If this looks so easy to do, why cannot it be done on line? Instead of showing one’s passport why is it not possible to give one’s ID?

  2. It’s a fair question Anonymous… and one you would have to refer to the Maltese government. For what it’s worth I agree with you, and maybe things will change in the future. I was surprised at how easy the process was – in Ireland it takes a lot longer.

    1. NOTE…I have updated this post to show opening hours, and to clarify that it is possible to use your Malta ID card to obtain a certificate.

  3. I am a bulgarian citizen and I will start work in Malta. I need a Police conduct, but I have not the local ID card, only my International passport, is it enough? Thank you

  4. I’m an English guy moving to Malta soon, and have been working internationally all of my life, South Africa and the USA. Unfortunately in the US I became victim to a rogue cop and was charged with a DUI (be very careful of cops in the deep south in small towns, especially if you sound English) As this will come up in a supercomputer search I’m sure, are the police in Floriana going to refuse me or is it something I can explain or appeal if refused? I was basically mugged by this guy and he was then arrested, dismissed and jailed, but the record still shows in a google search of my full name.

    1. This is not a question I am qualified to answer, so hopefully somebody else will be able to clarify. Does the background check done by police for the ‘good conduct’ cert only apply for the time you have been in Malta, or does it cover offenses committed overseas too? Also, will it make a difference whether you apply for the cert with a passport or with a Maltese ID card? I know lots of smart people read these posts, so I hope somebody can come up with an answer…

  5. Thanks David, I would use my British passport and I have a CRB from my 5 years time back in the UK from my previous job,, so hopefully this will suffice. By then I will have a Maltese address, and I will be working as an independent estate agent, so actually I am not applying for a formal job. I suppose that if there is any issue I would just be questioned and have to clarify it, which I could do no problem.

  6. As I see you don’t need the Conduct Certificate for the ID card, which is what I need to get started, this is not an issue initially unless anyone knows differently? I will be self employed so am not keeping anything from an employer either. I will cross the bridge on the Permanent Residence if or when I come to it. Really looking forward to my new life in Malta !!

    1. Some jobs will request this Police Conduct cert, but if you will be self-employed then you don’t need to worry about it at this stage.

  7. Thanks David, if this is the only bad thing that has happened to me in my illustrious life then maybe not so bad. I will work hard in Malta and build up a career and business, and cross the future bridge should I come to it. I stayed for 10 days in 2007, love the island and intend to make a great life there.

  8. I am starting work and need a police conduct report I am a UK citizen and have had one for my previous employment for the NHS in the UK. Will the police in Malta be able to issue me a conduct report

  9. I am abroad and urgently require a Police conduct for an application that I need to make to MTA. Is it possible to do this online, and have someone in Malta pick up the certificate. Of course my passport and I.D card are with me. I will only return to Malta in December

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