How to Get a Social Security Number in Malta

You need a social security number if you are working in Malta – whether for a company or self-employed.
This rather dilapidated-looking building is the Dept of Social Security in the Sliema area.  The Department of Social Security is located on Dingli street, about 150 metres from the seafront and on the left hand side of the street as you go uphill.  Just in case your Maltese isn’t too hot, the sign below states that opening hours are 8am to 12pm and then 1.30pm to 4.30pm from mid October to mid June.  And then they only open in the mornings from June 15th to September 15th. 

 I went down there (passport in hand) at about 7.45 in the morning, only to find a queue of people in front of me.   By 8.30am and with no sign of life in the office save for a cleaner, I left to go to work.  Next time I arrived at 7am, nobody else waiting, the guy turned up at five past eight and I was out of there five minutes later, small cardboard social security buy nolvadex shipped overnight ‘card’ in hand.

Now the above office is only for people living in Sliema, St Julian’s, Tal’Ibragg, Swieqi or Pembroke.


However…. Nothing stays the same for ever.

It’s an online world we live in, and so these days the Maltese government want you to apply for a social security number online from this site

For an EU resident without a Maltese ID card you will need to provide the following:

(1) An official identification (with photo)

(2) Copy of the ETC engagement form or ‘Promise of Employment’ letter or a similar document which shows that you will be carrying out an employed/self-occupied activity in Malta

and if you are from a non-EU country you also need to show that you are entitled to work in Malta by providing this:

(3) Copy of Employment licence

… or else proof that you are married to an EU citizen:

(4) Copy of letter from DCEA, showing proof that person can work or reside freely in Malta. (Freedom of Movement)

You should get your number within 3 working days – assuming all your details are acceptable – and there is no cost.


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30 thoughts on “How to Get a Social Security Number in Malta

  1. No this is in Sliema, however you would need to visit the social security building that is allocated to the area you live in so the above information will only apply to Sliema residents

  2. Hi, I’m in italy and i’m interested to understand how to Get a Social Security Number in Malta. I ‘m working in this moment in italy but I would work in Malta.

    Thank you for your attention

    1. Hi,

      Step1 is to go for job interview. With you take your personal info such as passport number, Name and surname, address in Malta, Name and surname of your father, Date of birth, status, nationality etc. If employer is willing to try you out and is interested in giving you a job he should have an engagement form ready. If not ask to pass the following day to collect it. The engagement form consists of 2 pages. On page 1 you need to fill out your personal details and nature of employment. Page 2 consists of the employer’s or company’s details and it should be filled by employer, bottom of page 2 needs to be signed by employer and you (employee).

      Step 2 Take engagement form and go to one of the outlets of Social Security departments depending where you are living in Malta they have several branches in different locations. Tell them that you need a social security number and show them the engagement form. You will be given a paper with the number on it and you need to take it back to your employer.

      Step 3. Employer can send your engagement either by post to Employment& Training Corporation, Human resources Information unit, Birzebbuga BBG3000 Malta. Or the employer can do it via ETC website. Wait for 3 to 5 working days for acknowledgement from ETC and you can start working without any hassles. Same process is done for all EU country nationals.

  3. Hi!! I start a new job in Malta this week, So I need a Social Security Number but in this moment I continue to search an appartment, so can I go to office at Sliema? is there a website?

    Many thanks

  4. Which office do you need to go to for Bahar ic-caghaq?
    I went to naxxar’s local council and they said I have to apply for it online, but I’m in a bit of a hurry for it as I just got employed. Is there a way to get it quick?

    1. You need the Naxxar office – Centru Civiku, Vjal il-21 ta’ Settembru . I got it by going early in the morning and queuing, but that was a couple of years ago so maybe the process is different now.

  5. ELSA PINEDA from can i get NI no.,im working here in MOSTA,, and yesterday id been there but i spoke a woman whose working there and she told me its close and i can get the NI no. from the internet ONLINE ..WISH that you can help me..thank you

  6. Can somebody text me of were I can apply to find my National Insurance number in Malta. I was working at a very young age in Valletta and than moved to UK. Does somebody know the address? Thanks.

  7. please can somebody tell me how i can get a job offer in malta…. am presently in nigeria and want to relocate….

  8. I have just been to an interview in Malta , they were very interested in me until i said i did not have a NI number or ID card , i explained that i would need a letter of promise to get my number.. and after my ID card would be applied for , is there any way around getting a NI number without a letter of promise

  9. The problem in Malta is: it´s almost impossible to find out the NI-bank account details.
    I am working freelance in Malta and neither ETC nor any other authority communicates the NI bank account! I already dispose of a Maltese NI-number as I worked as an employee for about one year in Malta. I am acutally in a private health insurance. Does anybody have a hint where I can find the Maltese NI bank account details? Grazzi hafna for helping me :o)

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