Ice Cream for Breakfast

This has been a particularly hot summer in Malta, so why not do as our neighbours in Sicily do, and try ice cream for breakfast!

Sicily is less than 100km away, and so a lot of Sicilians have moved South to set up shop in Malta.  As with immigrants the world over, the most natural way to start a new business is by importing some of your local cuisine.  Hence in Bugibba alone you can find three or four Sicilian gelaterias, and we tried one of the best for our icy breakfast, in the shape of the Congusto cafe.



Dan went for a Mango sorbet over a fruit salad, which looked pretty delicious, even at ten o’clock in the morning.




I decided to try the real Sicilian experience though:  a brioche filled with ricotta based ice cream.   This is pretty much the opposite of a British or Irish breakfasting experience, where the only sweet things you are liable to find on the table will be jam or marmalade.   However our continental neighbours often enjoy chocolate as part of their morning meal, so ice cream is not all that much of a stretch.




And on another morning where the temperature is up past 30 degrees by nine o’clock, this makes for a refreshing breakfast option.  I know for sure that my six-year-old self would have approved.

The ricotta ice cream is not too sweet, and goes well with the soft brioche to make for a nice snack.  Not something you’d wake up to every morning, but the little kid in you will enjoy the experience!

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