Kinnie! – The (non-alcoholic) Taste of Malta

It may surprise you to discover that Malta has a soft drink all of it’s own – none other than (heavily advertised) Kinnie.  According to it’s website,  Kinnie is a “unique tasting, refreshing beverage… made from bitter oranges and a variety of aromatic herbs”.  Now the first time I tasted Kinnie, I concluded that it’s unique taste was rather reminiscent of what would happen if you took a load of bad and definitely gone-off oranges, juiced them, and then stirred in some ‘aromatic herbs’ to try and negate the taste somewhat.

But I must be fair here.  I’ve tried it again since, and it could just be a grower.  I think ‘like’ is still too strong a word, but it has improved on further tastings, so maybe my palate is adapting.

Which is good, because Kinnie seems to be one of those products that makes exiles go all misty-eyed for them once they’ve settled elsewhere.  I am familiar with this phenomenon afflicting Irish ex-patriates, who are regularly sent care packages stuffed with Tayto crisps, red lemonade, white pudding and Lyons tea.  Indeed Kinnie seems to be gaining popularity on, so the British-Maltese are clearly happy to pay for a taste of home.

So good work Kinnie, both for utilising a previously disregarded type of orange in a soft drink, and for flying the flag for Malta in a Coca-Cola world.

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2 thoughts on “Kinnie! – The (non-alcoholic) Taste of Malta

  1. Hi, going back to Malta after 20 years great to know that Kinnie is still around – wonder the the diet one is like? Fat Lynda

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