Leaving Malta

When we told people we were leaving Malta, they said ‘You’ll be back’… and they are probably right.

But for now we are changing location, moving on to pastures new.  In fact, and in the interest of full disclosure, by the time you are reading this we have already left, although I write this just before our move.

We’ve had a memorable 4+ years living on this little rock, lots of highs, some lows too along the way.  We got sick of Sliema, but on our return after 6 months overseas we grew very fond of St Paul’s Bay and Bugibba.  It is sad to be leaving – I feel like I know Malta better than I know my own country at this stage – but there are career opportunities elsewhere that we would be silly to ignore.

I’ve enjoyed (well, mostly enjoyed) writing this blog.  (Sorry for banging on about English breakfasts all the time).  I hope people have gotten some useful information if nothing else, as I started this because I wanted to write down the things that would’ve helped us out when we first arrived.  Anyway thanks for reading, and thanks to all those who commented and emailed.

The site will stay up, and if you are reading this and would like to add an article of your own then email me at howtomalta@hotmail.com and I will be glad to publish your piece here.

That’s it for now…  Grazzi hafna Malta!

Here are some of our memories of Malta:


Malta Holiday 300
Not impressed by the old yellow buses, just before they were replaced. Things have not greatly improved since then. Don’t want to come over as negative here, but the transport situation in Malta is a disgrace, and I speak as one who has spent approximately one billion hours either waiting for or sitting/standing on buses here. It’s not easy, but More Buses (or bikes) & Less Cars is the solution, and it’s up to the government on how best to get there.


New Arrivals in Malta 078
Getting acquainted with St Julians/Paceville, I can’t remember exactly where we are here. Anyway, quitting smoking is one of the best things I’ve accomplished in Malta.


I don’t know how many hours we’ve spent uncomfortably arranged on rocky beaches here. Many hours. Here’s D. striking a pose in Sliema.


malta easter
Despite countless invasions – not least by millions of tourists every year – Malta still manages to retain its own cultural identity. A large part of this is down to the fact that they’ve retained the Maltese language, although the downside is that this means residents like me will never be able to completely feel a part of the country. (Yes, I know I could learn the language but unfortunately I am somewhat dull-witted in that regard).


Just when you think you’ve been everywhere on the island, you discover somewhere like the Bird Park in St Paul’s Bay. It is poorly signposted, seems almost intentionally difficult to get to, but is actually a lovely park to visit. There are loads of places like this in Malta.


Malta is already the most densely populated country in Europe, and when the tourist season arrives, well… Fact is there are too many people on the island, so I guess the two of us are easing the population problem by moving on. I’m gonna miss the place though – have I mentioned that already? – even this crappy Paceville beach.


****By the way we got married during the time we were in Malta, and it was amazing. We didn’t get married in Malta though, so don’t go looking for this beach.****


Yes Bugibba is a little tacky, but we have grown really fond of this part of Malta and come on look at this photo, it’s beautiful. I feel like I know every square inch of the place now, it’s been home for us and it’s not easy to leave. Things I like about Bugibba/St Paul’s/Qawra (in no particular order): Ice-cream on tap; Wise Guys gym; O’Reilly’s Irish bar & Fat Harry’s & The Grapevine & that place with all the Christmas lights; Running along the promenade when it’s early; Ginger’s shop; Maypole shop (especially the pies); Watching the sunburned tourists trailing off the boat from Comino; Our landlord Manuel, an absolute gentleman, and trust me I don’t say that lightly about a landlord; The Cheapest Bar in Malta; Rocky beach at St Paul’s; The way the life-sized cutout of Elvis outside the Elvis Bar speaks to you every time you walk past; Nice English lady at Trollees supermarket who calls everybody ‘love’; Joe Carr singing at Angelos bar;  The view out our window.


We will always have a lot of this for Malta: the people and the place.


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10 thoughts on “Leaving Malta

  1. Thank you so much for your informative, entertaining and really useful posts. We are making the move to Malta next year, although we have a head start, having had a property there for many years, it’s already ‘home’
    Good luck in all your future ventures.
    And once again, thanks! 👍🏼

  2. Best of luck on your move and all future endeavours.

    I’ve loved reading your posts and found them really helpful so thank you 🙂

  3. Thank you for keeping this blog up! We’re moving to Malta this summer to be with our Maltese family there again. We really appreciate all the useful information (and brilliant humour) you’ve provided on these pages. We hope you’re happy and enjoying life, and that you’ll return to Malta some day. It would be great to meet you.

  4. Hi David! I found your blog whilst researching about Malta and I must say your articles are pretty amazing. So much valuable information here!
    I am a teacher in the UK and I am looking to make a move to Malta with my boyfriend (who is a Senior Costumer Service Officer for HSBC) over the next few months. We basically started our research so I am still a bit overwhelmed with all the information. What I wanted to ask you, based on your experience and obviously moving from another country, do you have any tips? Where to look for houses? Jobs? Can we get a job before moving over there? Cost of living? Best places to live?
    We live in London. There are many jobs here as you probably imagine. However the cost of living here and the weather is really putting us off. We have been here for 4 years now and feel we have enough experience to move on and relocate to somewhere we can actually afford to buy a house for example.
    Sorry for all the questions, but I feel you’re probably ‘THE’ person to ask all of this.
    Thanks in advance for your time and well done for the fabulous blog!
    Joana x

  5. I am fully English, would it be difficult for me to get myself an ID card to work? You never said how you got on in the end. I’m
    Making the move next week. My best friend is already there but she is half Maltese so it was easier for her to get an ID card.

  6. Did you need a teaching warrant? Did you teach with a company or on your own? I.ve a Celta, plus DEd in education, native English speaker & EU citizen. Can I get a job asap teaching English?? Will keep looking thru ur blog. It,s a find! Thanks for any tips!

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