Looking for a Good Book about Malta?

Okay, not exactly about Malta, but set in Malta and with such evocative descriptions of the place that the country itself effectively becomes a character in the story.  This is a detective thriller set against the backdrop of wartime Malta, 1942, a time when the country was under unceasing bombardment from German and Italian bombers trying to batter the island into submission.  Meanwhile the Information Officer (Max), who is essentially chief of British  propaganda for the island, stumbles into a murder enquiry.  Young ‘sherry queens’ or ‘hostesses’ working in the shadier parts of Valletta are being murdered.  We are given glimpses into the killer’s mind at various intervals during the book but are told too little to reveal his identity, learning only how he has taught himself to blend in with others despite not being able to empathise or share the concerns of those he comes across.  Meanwhile a love triange (or is it a love square?) plays itself out as Max gets closer to the truth…

How was that for some back-cover blurb!

Mills is a better writer than most you’ll find in the ‘Crime’ section of your local bookshop, and this is a superior example of the detective fiction genre, where the pages just seem to turn themselves.  Don’t just take my word for it though, here’s what George Pelecanos said about this book:  ‘A lush, romantic thriller, skilfully crafted by master stylist Mark Mills‘.  And he should know, he wrote ‘The Wire’.  
If you are looking for a book with a bit of local character to pack for the beach, then you won’t find much better than this one.

(‘The Information Officer’, Mark Mills.)
Here are a few suggestions on where to find books in Malta: Secret Bookshop

…and if you have any Malta-related books you would like to recommend, then please do so in the Comments section below.
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One thought on “Looking for a Good Book about Malta?

  1. Hmm…haven’t read this one (why are there no books set in the magical, mythical town of Fgura? Don’t answer that.)

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