Malta Bar Review: The Dubliner

As a Dubliner myself, it’s only right and proper that I start here.

Every day as you walk along the seafront between Sliema and St Julian’s, you will notice a gaggle of pasty-faced citizens perched on stools outside of The Dubliner contemplating pints of beer. This is the place where a lot of ex-pats come to complain about Malta and reminisce about Ireland/England/Scotland (delete as appropriate).  Good beers, good food, good staff and good big screens for the football.


This is my default bar when it comes to watching Irish people lose valiantly at various sporting endeavors, so it gets my full endorsement.  They throw up a big screen downstairs when there’s a football match of any note, and they also do some very very decent bar snacks.

I doubt whether any surroundings could have improved the viewing of Ireland embarrassing themselves in the Euro 2012 Championships, but the Dubliner made it a little more tolerable.

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