Malta Beaches: Gnejna Bay

This  is a scruffy sort of a beach, what you might call ‘unspoiled’ if you were feeling generous.

The beach is in the North West of the island, and pretty difficult to get to unless you have your own transport, which means that it is not one of the more crowded beaches on the island.


I get the impression that a lot of beaches in Malta used to look something like this, before the big tourist boom that attracts a million people to the island every year.  It’s what I imagine a Maltese beach looked like in the seventies, nothing too fancy, just a couple of take-away joints selling burgers and ice-creams, and seaweed scattered around the sand.


There are water sports available if that’s your thing, otherwise it’s not the worst place to spend a sunny afternoon.  As I say, this is one of the more remote beaches in the North of the island so best have your own car if you are planning a trip to Gnejna Bay.


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