Malta Bird Park

Yes there is a bird park in Malta, and it is surprisingly good (assuming you can find it).
We took the rather circuitous pedestrian entrance from the Qawra bypass.  After running across the busy road you scoot down a gentle muddy incline between two concrete barriers.  Walk straight for a couple of minutes and you find yourself here:

There are no signs, no indications that a bird park exists.  Luckily we met a couple coming the other way, who pointed us in the right direction (turn left, past the truck, take a right at the concrete bollards onto the paved road and then straight ahead).  No signs until you get there, which kind of accentuates how nice the actual park is in a strange sort of way, almost like you’ve stumbled into the secret garden.

To be fair there’s a lot of construction going on so I’m sure it’ll all be fixed up soon enough.  Although a sign or two wouldn’t be too much to ask.

But let’s assume that you find the place, you will not be disappointed.  Lots of owls, flamingos, storks, parrots and other less famous but no less chirpy members of the feathered fraternity.  It’s not enormous, but will pass 30 minutes or an hour for your eight euro entrance fee.

And what better way to be greeted when you arrive, than by this friendly bird saying ‘hello’:

You can find more info at

The park is located in Salina, and open Tuesdays to Sundays from 10.00 – 15.00 (in Summer) and stays open a couple of hours later at weekends in Winter season.

Children under 12: €5.00
Adults:  €8.00


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