I have had contact with the outside of various sea urchins, generally when clambering from sea to rocky shore, or on one particularly painful occasion, when swimming along and managing to kick one of the little fellows, thus wedging a 2cm spike in my toe. That was sore.
Important note: buy diflucan 100mg don’t try to remove the 2cm spike by rummaging around with a safety pin. Especially not if said pin is in the hands of a person whose nervous system is not being prodded. You will get the spike out eventually, but it’s not a fun activity. A much better system is to gently scrape off the skin over where the spine has gotten stuck, and (also gently) squeeze the affected area until it pops right up. It’s actually pretty satisfying when that happens.
Best practice is to go and invest in some swim-shoes if you plan on bathing anywhere where underwater rocks are a feature. This will save you no end of discomfort, and is more than worth the slightly unsettling sensation that people are smirking at you as you gingerly pick your way over the stones.
More Dangers of the Deep here.

Sat on one once, or maybe it was a colony of sea anemones. In any case, it was sore for quite a while. Wife and son found it very funny though……
That’s the problem with slapstick humour: less fun for the recipient. Ouch…
Makes a good spaghetti sauce, though.