Malta Scores 3 Places on Lonely Planet Ultimate Travelist

After years of research the world famous Lonely Travel Guides have released a new book featuring the top 500 places in the world that you must visit before you die.

And despite it’s small size Malta makes the list an amazing three times.  So what are the three Maltese destinations that rank among the best in the world?

blue lagoon malta

The famous Blue Lagoon in Comino gets onto the list.  Yes it’s super-crowded in summer, but it is an absolutely beautiful spot for swimming and snorkeling, and the water is as blue as the name suggests.




hypogeum malta

The ancient burial site at the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum almost makes the list of places everybody should visit.  We recommend it too; a mysterious and haunting experience.



blue hole gozo
flickr: Creative Commons, Malcolm Browne













The third entry on the list comes from Gozo, and is the world renowned Blue Hole diving spot near the Azure Window.  Malta – and Gozo in particular – is developing quite a reputation as a diving destination, and the Blue Hole is many people’s choice for the top diving spot in the country.


The overall top place on the Lonely Planet list went to Angkor Wat in Cambodia, and although Malta didn’t make the top twenty, three spots on a list like this is pretty good going.

Top Ten:

  1. Temples of Angkor – Cambodia
  2. Great Barrier Reef – Australia
  3. Machu Picchu – Peru
  4. Great Wall of China – (Guess)
  5. Taj Mahal – India
  6. Grand Canyon – USA
  7. Colosseum – Italy
  8. Iguazu Falls – Brazil/Argentina
  9. Alhambra – Spain
  10. Aya Sofya – Turkey


Full list here: Daily Mail

Buy the book here:


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