Maltese Wines

some wine

Wines from Malta used to have a pretty abysmal reputation, but it seems things have improved considerably in recent years.  A bottle of wine from the supermarket can cost as little as €2 and it’s hard to complain too much about the quality at those prices.  Of course you can always pay a lot more, since the wine industry generally is one which benefits from the type of dumb rich people who like to impress each other by buying ridiculously expensive objects.  Anyway studies have been done which suggest that in blind tests people really can’t tell the difference between cheap and expensive wines, so just get one you like the taste of.  Disregard completely the opinion of those people who suck wine in through their teeth with their eyes closed, before sloshing it around their mouth, spitting it out again, and then comparing it to some kind of a tree.

There are now 5 big wine producers on the island: Marsovin, Delicata, Camilleri, Montekristo and Meridiana, so plenty to choose from.  Best advice is to drink a lot of it when you get over here and then see if you can remember which was the good one when it comes time to leave.  I’ve had a nice Rose (and by ‘Rose’ I mean Row-Zay) from Delicata and a good Cabernet Sauvignon from Marsovin, but I recommend doing your own experimentation.  I would only say that most people do seem to favour red over white when it comes to Maltese wines.


Or as they say in Malta:  “Cheers!”

*We did some wine tasting of our own here.   But don’t worry, no wine was wasted in the tasting.

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2 thoughts on “Maltese Wines

  1. Anyone who spits wine out deserves a slap., I don’t care how foul the brew, it’s WINE for God’s sake! If it tastes like paraffin so what? If it’s got an ABV of more than 5 then just get it down your neck!
    I remember back in the day (in the late 70’s, since you’re asking-I was very young!)when I first went to Malta with family we would buy a bottle of 10c Gozo home made stuff. Bloody lovely it was, too. We decided against asking what it was made from, just sat back, drank and enjoyed. Probably after drinking too much it became at one with the land again, courtesy of a little gastric regurgitation. Happy days.

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