MTV Comes to Malta!

‘Isle of MTV’ they call it.  (Get it?  Say it again, fast).




And lots of people love it when MTV rolls into Malta.  About 50,000 made it along this year to see Nelly Furtado, Flo Rider and (most irritating name in popular music) Will.I.Am in action.  This free concert in Floriana, just outside Valletta, is into it’s sixth year now and this time around a good time was had by all.  There are obvious issues getting to and from the place when such large numbers are involved, I mean 50,000 equates to about 1/6th of the entire population of Malta, and quite a lot of these are inebriated teenagers from all over Europe.  But it’s a good day out with very little trouble to be seen.  And it’s Free!

Fly, Nelly!  Fly like a bird!


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