Normally Slick McDonalds Marketing Output Severely Undermined By Lame Maltese TV Commercials.


The good people at McDonalds have released a larger version of the Big Mac to coincide with this year’s World Cup. Those guys are always thinking of us.

So that’s an extra 200 calories of Big Mac goodness to go along with all those golden World Cup Budweisers you’ve been swilling down.
Now while I am not convinced of the use of the word Grand (def: magnificent and imposing in appearance, size, or style) to describe a hamburger, I am even less convinced by the TV ads which have been produced to advertise these things here in Malta.

The brief was pretty simple. Get some dude face-painted up in an appropriate country’s colours (that’s Italy, England and Brazil for the Maltese market) and tell them to simulate the excitement of watching their team score a goal.

It would appear that the Maltese division of the McDonald’s marketing empire operates on a tight budget indeed. But having been allocated a 50 euro note and some face-paint, next item on the agenda was to trawl for some on-screen talent.The bright young marketeer entrusted with this task managed to locate a bunch of young men who clearly have never watched a football match in their lives.”Now I know you have never acted before,” they must surely have begun, “but what we want you to do is to pretend that you are watching television – yes, standing up in front of this grey canvas – and that the football team you support has just scored a goal”.

Blank looks.

“Which makes you very, very happy”.

Aaah.  Okay.

God love them, they gave it a good old try.


Italy guy:  best acting effort, actually gives appearance of a reasonably pleased man.

England guy: good start, but tails off into bewildered gaze at the end, as if emerging from hypnotist’s trance.

Brazil guy:  he was just told to shout ‘goal’ as loud and as long as he could.  You know, like those crazy Brazilian guys on TV!  So that is exactly what he does, in a manner suggesting anything but somebody whose beloved team has just scored a goal in the World Cup.
Careful – You’re going to reverse over that cat!
Ahahahahaha!  The man fell over! Ahahahahaha!
Status Quo!  I love this song.  Rockin’ All Over the Wooooooorld!
Can I go home yet?
Why get so worked up over a simple McDonalds ad, I hear you shrug.  That is because you are not inflicted with the thing during every single ad break of the World Cup on Maltese television.
If you are living/staying in Malta, you know what I’m talking about.  If not, google ‘Malta McDonalds World Cup’ and you’ll find it.  To get the full Maltese experience try watching it 5 times a day – every day – for a month.

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