“Notte Bianca” Valleta

‘Notte Bianca’ is the name of the Night of Culture in Valletta, which happens the last weekend of September every year.  It’s the night when you get to sample the cultural life of Valletta without having to pay for entrance into places like the Co-Cathedral, the Grand Master’s Palace or any of the museums and exhibitions.  There is also live music by local acts at venues around the city, dance, theatre, film and various other entertainment to be had, free and gratis.

Things get going at six in the evening, and continue until around one or two in the morning.  Probably a good idea to get there early as this is a very popular event with locals and tourists alike, so expect heavy traffic and full buses.  If you are located in the vicinity of Sliema, I would suggest taking a water taxi from the waterfront to avoid cramming onto a bus.

For more information about what is happening, check out this website.

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2 thoughts on ““Notte Bianca” Valleta

  1. Unfortunately I’ve never seen ‘Notte Bianca’ because for some odd reason or other I’ve never been there at the right time. One year…

    Have you ever been to the Birgufest held in October at night in Vittoriosa? All the streets and houses are lit by candles and although like most decent Maltese festivals it gets scarily crowded, if you go early enough it’s a really nice experience. There are the ubiquitous food and drink stalls, of course. A nice evening, though.

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