
Paceville (pronounced Patch-a-ville) is the suburb in Malta where the young people go for their dancin’ and drinkin’.
If you haven’t been there before, Paceville is effectively a long stone staircase rammed with drunk kids trying to make themselves heard, in variously accented English, over extremely loud euro-dance music.  If that sounds like something which would interest you, then get yourself down there my friend, and godspeed.
Some of the Attractions on offer include:
– The renowned Qube Vodka Bar bucket (to avoid confusion: this is a bucket full of vodka)
– The Nordic Bar’s tray of 15 tequilas for €9.95 (Bargain!)
– The Slingshot, which is not alcoholic, but is in fact a giant slingshot which propels humans up into the air very, very quickly
– About 3 or 4 ‘Gentleman’s generic nolvadex steroids Clubs’ in which you are unlikely to discover too many individuals answering to the description of ‘gentleman’.
– …along with some cinemas, a couple of casinos, some fast food joints, cheap & not-so-cheap hotels and various souvenir shops.

Look, we all like a party, and this is the best party-zone Malta has to offer.  There are lots of bars and restaurants around Paceville and not all of them are filled with horny teenagers; in fact some are quite civilized.  The St Rita steps are where it gets messy/fun (depending on your perspective), so you have been warned.  But just so long as you know what you’re getting in for, go enjoy yourself!

(This is one of the Top 10 Things to Do in Malta)


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13 thoughts on “Paceville

    1. True, it’s a beautiful part of the island, and your blog is always well worth checking out for great photos and a nice sideways glance at Malta.

  1. Hi,
    I have never had the pleasure of seeing Malta, I have read a little about it, mainly the ancient history side, but would love to one day be able to go.

    Thank You very much for visiting my blog and commenting.

  2. Paceville is a great place to have fun on night and everything is really cheap! I highly recommended there!

    I hope to back in Malta in summertime!

    Congratulations for your blog it is really useful for someone who plans to come over there.

    See you,

  3. if you dont like malta dont come,nobody invited you.this is bullshit there is a lot of things to do in malta not just party.we have 1 of the oldest history in the world.i am maltese and very PROUD


    1. Well Daniel, you are quite right to be proud of Malta, it’s a beautiful country with a surprisingly large number of things to do and see. I think I’ve covered quite a few of them elsewhere on this site, but maybe you didn’t get past the Paceville entry. I am a fan of history too, just not a fan of Paceville: mainly because I am about 10 or 15 years too old for it.. otherwise I’d be drinking vodka shots with the best of them.
      It’s true that nobody invited me here, but hey, that’s the way Europe works these days. I don’t recall specifically inviting you to read these pages either, but that’s the way the internet works too.
      All comments welcome though!

    2. Fuck Off Anonymous Daniel, for Christ sake let him express his opinion … it’s just an article about Paceville and it’s all true (except that he missed Hugos club :P, which is the largest one in terms of crowds and space most probably). If you took the time to read all his other articles perhaps you wouldn’t have taken the time to write a useless comment which surely shows that you are a semi-literate thug.

      David please do ignore such stupid trolls like Daniel. Not all Maltese are like him. Your blog is awesome giving free information from foreigner to foreigners, and I being a Maltese myself am enjoying reading your unbiased articles, your experiences which for us are all taken for granted but perhaps for foreigners would be good or bad. Such articles of your experience here just shows our product how it fairs in reality with the tourists that come. You could be our best promoter, because anyone visiting malta would want to find and get true information from another foreign resident experience.!

      Keep it up man 😉

  4. We have been much enjoying your dry sense of humor and insider’s view of Malta. We are French-US nationals soon to emigrate from Paris to Malta and your blog has been more than instructive! Our 14-year-old won’t get near Paceville until he reaches majority… LOL

  5. Hi ! I’m actually searching for a job as barman or waiter in Saint Julian (Paceville if possible). Do you have some contacts or bar names where I can find this kind of job ? Thanks a lot !!

    1. I don’t have any contacts Florentin, but I can give you a list of some of the bars & clubs in Paceville. Deep breath: Hugos; Bar Native Royal Oak; Black Bull; Huggins; Prestige; Places; Peppermint Park; Barcelona; Coconut Grove; Footloose; Chequers; Havana; Qube; Moscow; Club Edge; Nordic Bar; Soho; Rocco Lounge and Koyote. Search on the internet and you’ll find websites for most of them. I was walking around there this morning, and there was a ‘staff wanted’ sign outside Club Edge, but didn’t notice any other signs. It’s too early though, season starts in April. One recommendation: the people who own Hugo’s are building a big lounge bar/club on the St Rita steps. Construction has started and I’m guessing they will be looking for quite a lot of staff come April/May so probably worth getting in touch via their website.

    2. THANK YOU VERY MUCH !! I’ll send my CV on line that’s a good idea ! Maybe it’s too early but I really want to find this job as soon as possible. Thanks for your time, I’ll keep you in my list of contacts because of your precious help. Bye !

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