Evan’s Building, Valletta There has been a lot of confusion regarding the issuing of these permits, which are to replace the old ID cards. People were being told to set up appointments via email,and deadlines were extended and then extended…
Humans like top ten lists. (Especially the Men humans, lists make us feel as though there is organization and righteousness to the universe, and we need that reassurance sometimes). So here is my list of the top ten things –…
The superbowl was on last night, which for those of you who are somehow unaware of the fact, is the grand final of the American football season. Unfortunately, it is not available on TV over here unless you have a…
Well this one depends on your hair, and how much thought you give to it.I’m a short-back-and-sides get-it-done sort of a chap, so bear that in mind when I recommend Franks shop in Sliema. This is the conversation when I…
The Black Gold pub in Sliema is a popular spot for some late night boozing along the seafront. Loud, a little messy, generally full of a mix of ex-pats and locals out to fill themselves full of alcohol.
As you stroll through the back-streets of Sliema and Gzira, you will come across any number of small shops selling everything you never knew you wanted (and in many cases still don’t). The majority of these establishments appear to be…