Now I know this place is good, because it was recommended to me by a couple of Japanese friends. Japanese people who found sushi they liked in Malta: not to be sneezed at. In fact, this little restaurant gave me…
Brasileiros gostam de Malta, por uma razão principal – a grande bola amarela no céu que pode ser difícil ver em outras partes da Europa que se fala o idioma Inglês. Malta tem mais dias de sol do que qualquer outro país na Europa, por isso é o lugar perfeito para aprender Inglês, não?
This is what is referred to as a ‘Grotesque’ carnival. It sprang up organically hundreds of years ago and reflected subversive political views and opinions, rebelled against traditional Maltese conservatism and often set out to shock. Dead animals featured along…
Looking for a gym or fitness centre in Malta? Well look no further. Malta is not known for it’s healthy lifestyle, what with everyone getting into the car when they need to go to the shop down the end of…
Tucked away in one of the back streets of Sliema you can stumble upon the Lady Di pub. It is a British pub, if the name hadn’t made that clear enough for you, and has a sort of musty end…
Now as everybody knows, our species and that of the mosquito have been waging war upon each other for thousands of years. And as everyone also knows, the mosquitoes are kicking our asses. And so their merciless and utterly unprovoked…