Public Service Announcement: Terrible Movie Alert

The (feeble) excuse for including this on the site, is that I spent my euros here in Malta to rent this dvd..

I have just spent an hour and a half watching one of the most ridiculous excuses for a movie I have ever come across.  It is called ‘Dream House’ and even the most half-witted of simpletons would feel embarrassed to admit to enjoying this thing.  It really made me rethink Daniel Craigs position in the stratum of Hollywood performers.  I see him as James Bond and assume he has some clout in the business, but clearly this is a misapprehension.  I’m just trying to work out exactly what happened…

Daniel Craig, and his agent, were presented with the script for this movie.  Either (a) They both thought it was great, in which case they are (to use the unfashionable term) mentally retarded; or (b) Not much was coming through the door, and anyway respected director Jim Sheridan was in charge so it would probably be fine; or (c) something else.  I am not sure what (c) might involve but have to acknowledge the possibility.  Some convoluted extortion scheme perhaps?

It should be noted here that ‘respected director’ Jim Sheridan could not have made more of a pig’s ear of this movie if he had tried.  One can only speculate as to how many takes ended with the words “yes, yes, that’s fine, next”.

This movie (as I belatedly realised) was given a 7% approval rating by Rotten Tomatoes, so I would just like to point out that Bruce Bennet from something called ‘Spectrum’ in Utah gave it a good review.  Somebody, somewhere has hired this gentlemen to give his opinions on movies.  Incredible.

* In fairness to Daniel Craig & Jim Sheridan, upon viewing the final edit of this film and seeing how awful it turned out, they refused to do any publicity. It would have been even better had they done loads of publicity warning people off seeing the thing.

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2 thoughts on “Public Service Announcement: Terrible Movie Alert

    1. You’re missing out Andreas, check out ‘The Descent’ some time.. However this particular movie is horrific in ways which were not intended.

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