Rocky Beaches – Sliema & St Julian’s

I have spent more time awkwardly arranged amongst the nooks and crannies of these rocky beaches than any others in Malta.  This is mainly due to their proximity and my laziness, but still qualifies me to speak on the subject with some authority.
The small rocky alcove near the Dubliner is a great spot for swimming, and a lot of the (older) locals come here on a regular basis during the long summer months.  Further along as you cross from St Julian’s to Sliema there’s a larger stone beach where it’s easier to stretch out a bit and which doesn’t get overcrowded.  Keep going and you come to the largest Sliema beach which stretches for quite a distance with plenty of room for lounging about, although swimming requires a bit more effort as you have to do some clambering in and out of the water and there’s no specific roped off area for swimmers.

Speaking of swimming, because you don’t have all of that pesky soft white sand on the sea bed, it means that visibility in the water is perfectly clear.

Your photos won’t have that white sand backdrop to make the folks back home extra-jealous, but you won’t come home with sand in every orifice and your tan will look just as good by the end of the week.

Pack the following to fully appreciate the rocky-beach experience:

– A yoga mat or light chair to sit/lie on

– Swim shoes for clambering over jagged rocks

– Snorkel to appreciate the clear underwater vista

– Some Cisk because… because Cisk Good.




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5 thoughts on “Rocky Beaches – Sliema & St Julian’s

  1. I have very happy memories of clambering over rocks next to the sea in Malta. I’m not a sun-bathing type and a bit of physical challenge is much more interesting.
    My boyfriend (now husband) and I drove all over Malta in a little yellow convertible about ten years ago and loved it! Particularly the little outdoor churches that would surprise you in the middle of no-where.
    I remember eating in a restaurant, “Antonio Staggers” I think it was called… rather odd proprietor (just between you and me, ok?)
    Aaaahhhhh yes, I shall be coming back for another wander through your blog soon. Best of luck from a fellow Irish Rover!

    1. Thanks… Sounds like you had a good time on the island – can’t say I’ve come across a restaurant called ‘Antonio Staggers’ but I will keep my eyes peeled. At the moment it is a case of looking out of the window mournfully and counting down the days ’til we can hit the beaches again, rocky or otherwise. Hopefully you’ll get a chance to pay a visit in the future to take a break from Canadian winters.

  2. Please be Careful of the time selling sharks, I found Sliema full of them and they mainly use one of the Large hotels on the front ( can’t remember the name )as their base., Apart from that I think Malta is a beautiful place and would happily return but Interpol are probably waiting for me for not paying my Time Share annual fees

    1. I don’t know if Interpol are too concerned with non-payment of timeshare fees… I have to say that I haven’t come across anyone trying to sell me a timeshare since I’ve been here, maybe you were just unlucky…

    2. Hi David, Unlucky on 7 days a week and three times a day That is some big bad luck LOL. Maybe they have cleaned the time share people out I was there last 2007

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