Scorpions in Malta!

Yes indeed, there is a Maltese scorpion.

It is about 5 centimetres long, but the only way this creature is going to kill you is by suddenly strolling into view and causing you to leap backwards off a precipice.  Don’t do that though.  

This scorpion doesn’t have enough venom to do us humans any harm, so no need for you to leap anywhere.

One of the earliest mentions of scorpions on the island was back in 1536 in a book called ‘Insulae Melitae’, the first published account of Malta, written by a gent by the name of Mr Jean Quintinus d’Autumn.  He writes that: “Scorpions, fearful animals elsewhere, are seen here innocuous in the hands of boys playing with them;  I myself saw one eating them

If this is to be believed then the young boys of Malta at that time were considerably more fearsome than the poor scorpions.

The only species on the island is called Euscorpius Sicanus, and is a fairly innocuous beast as scorpions go.  They generally skulk around under rocks and in dark places, trying to stay out of trouble, so you are unlikely to meet one.

If you are unlucky enough to get stung by one of these things – and you would have to be incredibly unlucky – then it will feel similar to a bee or a mosquito bite.

If you have been in Malta for any length of time, you will be extremely familiar with that sensation.



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