Tesco is Coming to Malta!

I know that a lot of you ex-pats out there hanker for those UK High Street chains like Boots and Argos.  So the good news for you is that the biggest UK supermarket of them all is on the way to Malta.

Don’t expect Tesco to come in and start building superstores just at the moment though.  Instead, Tesco products will be sold by an existing Maltese supermarket (according to my source), and supplied by a company klonopin online reviews based in the Middle East.

This means you will be able to buy Tesco ranges including: Fresh & Frozen products; Groceries; Health & Beauty products; Alcohol; and Non-Food products.  All right here in Malta.

The Tesco range should be available on the island within a month or two, if my source is to be believed.

So which existing supermarket will be selling Tesco products?

Well you’re pretty Smart, so I’m sure that you will figure it out.

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