Twistees: Malta’s Favourite Snack

Malta loves Twistees, the iconic crispy type snack doing it’s best to fly the flag for Malta versus the Doritos, Walkers and Pringles of this world.

The packaging has a rather Olde Worlde appearance, at least if the 1980’s qualify as Olde Worlde.

twistees malta


So what do Twistees actually taste like?

These are rice based snacks for a start, so the gluten intolerant folk can tuck into these without fear or concern.

I went for the traditional Cheesy variety, although you can also try Smokey Barbecue or Chicken flavour if you’re in the mood.  Personally I’ve never found a chicken flavoured crisp worthy of the name, just doesn’t seem to work.  Possibly because chicken hasn’t got the strongest taste in the first place.  Cheese, though?  Well you can’t go wrong with cheese.   Can you, Malta Twistees?  Let’s see…

Well these are basically a Maltese version of Cheese Puffs.

I am not a lover of this particular snack variety, so perhaps am not best qualified to review them, but that has never stopped me in the past.  The taste of cheese is more subtle than you might expect for a 50 cent bag of chips, so there’s that.  There is a gluey consistency to the snack however, which is not one I am in love with.  It sticks to the back teeth like plaster.

But hey, we are here to praise Twistees, not to bury them, to paraphrase Mr Shakespeare.

So ‘Go Twistees’, keep representing for Malta.  If kids are gonna gum up their molars with cheesy potato snacks, may as well have them do so with the Maltese variety.


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